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Great Futures Start Here.

Our Mission

To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Our Approach

Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development

  1. Create a safe, positive environment

  2. Generate fun and foster a sense of belonging

  3. Encourage supportive relationships with peers and adults

  4. Provide opportunities and set expectations

  5. Offer recognition

Targeted Programs

Targeted Programs are sequenced learning experiences with specific objectives for building skills and knowledge, organized into five Core Program Areas. They are targeted to help youth achieve positive outcomes in one or more of the Formula for Impact’s three priority outcome areas.

High-Yield Activities

High-Yield Activities are hands-on, interactive, fun experiences that intentionally develop and reinforce core skills explicitly taught through Targeted Programs and help support our three priority outcome areas.

Regular Attendance

Regular Attendance is important for deepening our positive impact on young people. We need to make sure they become members, attend often, and stay members as they grow up.

Our Formula for Impact

Our Outcomes

Academic Success

Graduate from high school ready for college, trade school, military or employment.

Good Character & Leadership

Be an engaged citizen involved in the community, register to vote & model strong character.

Healthy Lifestyles

Adopt a healthy diet, practice healthy lifestyle choices and make a lifelong commitment to fitness.

Feel safer at the Club than other places they spend their time

Feel like their ideas count at the Club

Say they have at least two Club adults they could turn to in a crisis

Say there is a staff member who always wants them to do their best


Say there is a staff member in the Club who believes they will be a success

Kids that attend a Club in Maryland regardless of age, gender, member tenure or attendance:

Club kids are more likely to achieve positive outcomes in the following priority areas:

Boys & Girls Clubs are places where who you are, where you're from, or the circumstances that surround you don't determine your access to a Great Future.

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