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  • Writer's pictureBGC Metro Baltimore

Update from Boys & Girls Clubs on COVID-19/Coronavirus Pandemic

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

March 25, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly evolves, our team here at Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore continues to monitor updates and recommendations from Federal, State, and Local agencies, while also gauging the needs and well-being of the communities we serve. We are also receiving daily information and support from Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

The following are important updates pertaining to our operations during this extremely fluid COVID-19 situation:

*** Despite our inherent desire to serve young people every day, our Clubs are following official recommendations and school schedules, thus our Clubs are closed until further notice.

*** We are implementing remote learning and character development programs to communicate and engage with members and their families.

*** We are consistently communicating with parents, sharing resources, supporting their needs, and reminding kids we will be there for them as soon as it is safe.

*** We are supporting food distribution efforts.

*** We are discussing unique partnerships that could support emergent needs with both City and State agencies.

For the most current updates from Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore, follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

During these challenging times, we are even more grateful for our supporters. We are weathering this storm, and look forward to brighter, stronger days ahead for all of us. On behalf of our team of committed professionals, families, and kids – thank you.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us here.

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